There are several options to get rid of your household trash.
You can purchase the yellow Chocolay Township Trash stickers from Kassels Korner, Lofaro’s Market, Waste Management office or the Chocolay Township office. A full sticker gets placed on each bag of trash for collection on your scheduled collection day.
You can call the local Waste Management office at (906) 662-6065 to order a trash and a recycling cart. Your trash will go into the cart with the green lid and recycling material will go into the cart with the yellow lid. You will set up an online account with Waste Management for billing.
You can call other trash vendors to set up an account with them.
How do I get rid of brush from my yard?
There are several options to get rid of brush in your yard.
The Marquette County Landfill takes brush, grass clippings, pine needles and other compostable material free of charge year round. You do not need a permit to haul brush materials there.
Chocolay Township offers a brush drop off two times per year, once in the spring and once in the fall. These times are TBD each spring and fall and are announced on our website, Facebook page and message sign.
How do I get a permit for the Marquette County Landfill?
You will need to complete the required permit and submit that to the Township along with the required fee and deposit.