Chocolay Township

Planning and Zoning

Planning Director Responsibilities

The Chocolay Township Planning Director plays a multi-faceted role in supporting beneficial development of the Township that is consistent with community goals. Tasks include:

  • Responding to information requests from various Boards, Commissions, and local citizens
  • Facilitating citizen engagement and community outreach to support planning efforts
  • Providing research and technical assistance to support policies and decision-making
  • Helping to plan, search for funding, and implement special projects
  • Collaborating with other jurisdictions
  • Continuing to review legislative changes and judicial decisions that may impact Township regulation
  • Serving as the technical assistant to the Township Planning Commission

Zoning Administrator Responsibilities

The Zoning Administrator is the principal person charged with the responsibility for administering and enforcing the zoning ordinance. 

The Zoning Administrator assists citizens in understanding zoning regulations and filling out applications, performs field inspections, issues permits, and issues violation notices.

The Zoning Administrator serves as technical assistant to the Township Zoning Board of Appeals.

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