Chocolay Township

Meeting Information

Public Meeting Rules

  1. Please wait for the Chair to acknowledge you before speaking. Individuals not following this rule are subject to dismissal from the meeting.
  2. Individuals must state their name and address for the record. Individuals representing an organization must state their name and the organization they represent for the record.
  3. Comments are to be directed to the Board or Commission, not other members of the public.
  4. Give your comments, opinion and / or question on the issue being addressed. Please stay on topic or you may be ruled out of order.
  5. Due to a full agenda, and to ensure that everyone has time to speak, the Commissioners will limit comments to a timed limit per person. For the same reasons, please be as brief as possible and try not to repeat what has been said by others before you.
  6. No person can grant his or her time to another speaker.
  7. Please be as factual as possible and do not make comments on the character of people.
  8. Board members, Commissioners,  and Township staff are not required nor expected to respond to comments, opinions and/or questions from the floor.


This notice is posted in compliance with PA 267 of 1976 as amended (Open Meetings Act), MCLA 41.72a (2) (3) and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).

The Charter of Chocolay Township Board will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting or public hearing upon seven (7) days notice to the Charter Township of Chocolay Board.

Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids should contact the Charter Township of Chocolay Board by writing to:

Max Engle,
Township Clerk
5010 US 41 South
Marquette, MI 49855
or by calling the Township office at 906.249.1448.